We invite you to dive into our annual reports and learn more about our organization's journey. Your support and trust are essential to our success, and we're grateful for the opportunity to share our progress with you.

Launching our Rural Initiative
After two years in Bolivia, we have been fortunate enough to work with so many wonderful people and communities and have come to learn more about the country and the many places that lack even the most basic of resources. We understand that we have become much more than a simple project offering free computer classes and educational support which is why this year we launched our rural initiative to support various projects and Bolivian non-profit organizations that are fighting to better the lives of Bolivia’s rural, indigenous communities. This year we are excited to travel the road less traveled and expand our service to the many hard to reach rural communities across Cochabamba and Bolivia.
Extending Our Reach
We are excited to announce the opening of our first rural computer lab, a joint effort with Bolivian non-profit organization CECAM. See our partner organization page for more about this exciting and groundbreaking organization. Together we joined our resources to open a computer lab in the province of Tiquipaya, a farming, indigenous community. The lab serves adults and students of all ages and computer classes are taught by Board President, Oscar Armijo with assistance from University volunteers from Cochabamba. We are grateful for the support of our hardworking volunteers and excited to begin this new joint venture!

Proyect Telecentro
We are happy to announce that Adelante Bolivia was selected to join Entel, Bolivia’s largest Telecommunications company, to provide training and other support services to Telecentros, which are internet and telecommunications hubs in rural communities across Bolivia. Board Member, Henry Coca, will be leading a team of local and international volunteers to provide training and computer installation services to 20 Telecentros in the Departments of Oruro, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Sucre. We are behind Henry and wish him and the team the best and safe travels!
Proyecto de Morochata – Environmental sustainability for indigenous communities
We are excited to announce another joint venture with CECAM in raising funds to build 20 ecological toilets in the province Morchata, an indigenous Quechua community deep in the Andes Mountains. The community’s isolated geography and lack of basic resources such as water, make for unsafe sanitary conditions. The toilets were designed by CECAM and require no water and are the first of their kind in Bolivia and will go a long way to improving the living conditions of this community. We are honored to be a part of this awesome work!

Rural Public Health Campaigns
In October we teamed up a group of Registered Nurses from the Medical School at the University Aquino Boliviano in Cochabamba, returning to Morochata to organize Public Health seminars for high school students and workshops for women from the community. The seminars and workshops focused on good personal hygiene and health practices to prevent the many food and water borne illness such as cholera and typhoid that plague these communities. In a joint effort with school administrators, and with approval from the local municipality and community leaders, the Nurses also offered sex education classes aimed at preventing the high teen pregnancy and stillborn rates in rural, indigenous communities. We are taking great care to work closely with local authorities and community elders to respect cultural sensitivities and our hope is that we will be invited back to Morochata and other neighboring communities to continue this good and needed work.